About Myself
Perhaps I should introduce myself a bit more then... since you all are going to learn a bit about what goes on in Toenmedd... My name is Constellation! I am a librarian for the Mystic Forest Library, a library isolated in the forest surrounding the town of Toenmedd. Toenmedd is... a very ood town. I'll get more into that later, of course! My pronouns are he/him and star/stars! I am trans, as well as ace and unlabeled. There's not really much for me to do in the day, so I spend my time reading through my library's various books, and sometimes I'll go out to town for anything we may need. Mostly tea. My roommate quite enjoys it. (Though, they've never given me more than a 7 out of 10 when I make them some...)
My Roommate
I should talk a bit more about my roommate as well, shouldn't I...? It seems only right. This is just as much their library as it is mine...

My roommate! Slash friend! I might as well introduce them myself, since I feel they'd be a bit terse with their own introduction... This is Ghost! They may seem a bit... like a creepy child, but they do mean well. They're from... Well I suppose I can call it Limbo. That's not its actual name, of course. Just a nickname. It'd be a bit hard to explain where exactly they come from. I imagine Ghost must have had a very sheltered life before coming to Toenmedd and living with me. It seems as though they know nothing about human existence. My sister has relayed to me that they've never even played baseball...
I'm happy to teach them anything they're curious about, of course. Not that I really need to... All they seem to be interested in is the library's books and tea. They're... somewhat of a blank slate. ^^; I don't mind such a thing, of course. They're a wonderful companion and they've been very helpful with the library.
If they're interested in this site, you may see them post here! Please treat them kindly. Like I've been mentioned, they're a bit new to this human existence thing. I'll have to explain a lot about this to them.